Hands Up–Wiper Signs

car wash hands up

Hands Up- Wiper Language
The car wash boy raises the wipers of cars he has already done to tell the sleeping owners that he has done his work. It is a form of attendance marker. If he leaves one wiper up it means he has wiped the car with a wet clean cloth but not washed the body and tyres.
Sunday morning all the wipers are up for a long time as people sleep late.

3 thoughts on “Hands Up–Wiper Signs

    1. Yes not only the car window, the entire car. Sadly labour is so cheap. Boys without jobs or even with jobs come early in the morning in deep winter too to clean cars. In Chandigarh you will not find any dirty cars. Also most people now have new cars because of the income level in this city. India is gradually getting ahead but only in city pockets.


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